
Our vision

Hoplr shifts the focus from the individual to the local community

Via Hoplr you get easy access to the social capital in your neighbourhood such as material, knowledge, time, volunteers and infrastructure. We want to use the power of the collective to anticipate the societal challenges of tomorrow such as aging, neighbourhood care, inclusion and citizen participation. Only in this way can we evolve towards more caring and sustainable society.  

Our manifest


1. Community first

Communities are at the core of Hoplr. That is why, with every decision, change or opportunity; first, we consider the added value for the neighbourhood and its residents.  

2. Advertisement-free

We aspire to keep Hoplr free of advertising. Our business model is based on valuable partnerships with local authorities, utility companies and civil society. This way all messages in your neighbourhood remain relevant, interesting and above all free of advertising!  

3. Privacy by design

Protecting personal data is our most important responsibility. Therefore, Hoplr is fully compliant with the European GDPR privacy legislation. We will never sell any personal data. 

4. Independent

Hoplr is not associated with any political or other interested party and does not have to account to any external party. We respect each person's opinion and will not express our own; neither explicitly nor implicitly.

5. Social impact

It's our dream that one day, all Hoplr neighbours will meet, help and get to know each other in real life. We believe in the power of the collective. That is why we will always continue to organise activities and give tips on social contact outside of the platform.